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Primary School

Awn Ymlaen Gyda'n Gilydd
Together we go forward

Autumn 2 Newsletter


Maesycoed Primary School Newsletter

Summer 2022


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These are some of the activities the children have taken part in during their time in school over the autumn term.


Nursery / Reception – The children have been very busy learning all about the people who help us in our community. We looked at people who work for the post office, the police and fire services, we learned about doctors and nurses and vets. We also looked at the people who help us in school and learned about what Mr Griffiths, our caretaker, does to help keep our school clean and safe! We had lots of fun during our Christmas craft morning with our families and enjoyed shaking our jingle bells when we sang our songs.


Year 1 We started the half term by learning the story of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. We then went on to compare the characters and decided where we would prefer to live – in a town house or a country house. We used our construction area to make our dream home. We have also been busy learning about brushing our teeth properly and we learned a new song about washing our hands. We were lucky enough to have breakfast with Santa and we wrote to him to practice our letter writing skills. We loved working on our Whoops a Daisy Angel Christmas show and we enjoyed learning all our new songs and practising our acting skills.


Year 2 – We have been learning more about different cultures and we have been comparing our lives to those of the people of Situmi in Uganda. We have also been learning about different types of African art and we looked at the Hindu celebration of Diwali. Our problem solving has involved researching flags from different countries and making them in our construction area. Miss Lei is our new Mandarin and Chinese Tutor and she has started to help us learn about the different cultures and traditions in China. We linked our Christmas to concert to our work when we looked at Christmas Around the World. We had lots of fun practising dances and songs from different countries.


Year 3/4 We have been comparing our families and their diversity to those in Uganda. We have looked at different family traditions and compared and contrasted them with our own. We carried out a big STEM challenge this half term by looking at how we would travel to Uganda and explored how aeroplanes help us travel. We researched air resistance and researched different aeroplanes and their wing shapes and then tried to make our own out of paper. We then were set a challenge in teams to keep our planes in the air for a whole 8 seconds. It doesn’t sound very long but it was a really tricky challenge!!! We have been learning how to use the Powerpoint package as another way of presenting and communicating our work.


Year 5/6 – We have been looking  further in diversity during the second half term. We compared South Africa and Pontypridd. We compared and contrasted how sustainability in Wales and South Africa differ and how it can affect survival. We wrote letters to South African government to share our concerns about living conditions for children in townships and how very different it can be to our own living conditions. We have also been learning to construct data bases to analyse the different animal populations in South Africa. We looked at South African artist Frank Ross and identified the similarities and differences between his work and that of Welsh artist Martin Evans. We enjoyed our take on the six o clock news in Bethlehem as part of our Christmas concert this year and loved the Christingle section by candlelight.



Year 4/5 – The children have had a fabulous Summer Term.  Our topic ‘This Is Me’ has been a resounding success with pupils, and they have thoroughly enjoyed expressing themselves through a variety of media.  As the topic was expressive arts focussed they have studied the genre of playscripts during literacy, eventually creating their own script and acting them out.  They also studied existing dance routines from various performers, devising the success criteria they thought necessary for a successful dance.  Then they




School Holidays – End of term is Wednesday 21st December 2022. School will reopen to pupils on Monday 9th January 2023. School gates open at 8:50am please ensure your child arrives on time. School begins at 9am.


Dinner MoniesSchool dinner money should be paid in advance and not in arrears. Thank you.


Keeping Everyone Safe- If you have any concerns regarding the safety of pupils or families when on the school site please contact the school immediately where a senior member of staff can help.

Should you need to report an incident outside of school hours the out of hours duty desk for RCT Children and Family Services can be contacted on 01443 743665.