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Primary School

Awn Ymlaen Gyda'n Gilydd
Together we go forward

Criw Cymraeg

F Phase competition Make a Picnic for Seren a Sbarc. Here are a selection of our amazing entries.

Seren a Sbarc Disco May 2024

Eisteddfod 2024 Take a look at some of our entries in the art competition

   Phrase of the Week Summer Term 2024


     Week 1 15/4/24

    F Phase Pryd mae dy benblydd di?  ( When is your birthday)

    KS2        Pryd mae dy benblwydd di?


    Week 2 22/4/24

    F Phase  Beth wyt ti'n wisgo? ( What are you wearing?)

     KS2        Beth wyt ti'n wisgo?


     Week 3 29/4/24

    F Phase  Oes ..... gyda ti?  ( Have you got .........?)

     KS2        Oes ...... gyda ti?


     Week 5 6/5/24

     F Phase  Mae flin gyda fi ( I'm very sorry)

     KS2         Mae flin gyda fi







Criw Cymraeg have been out in the local community displaying posters highlight the advantages of speaking Welsh.

  Dydd Miwsig Cymru

  Criw Cymraeg are holding a competition for KS2 pupils asking them to design a poster to celebrate Dydd Miwsig 

  Cymru. The poster can be on A4 paper or online. The poster can include famous welsh singers and bands, song titles 

  and song words. All entries will receive dojo points and competition ends on Friday 23rd February.

Dydd Miwsig Cymru Powerpoint

Foundation Phase have been listening to Welsh music and learning about famous Welsh artists on Dydd Miwsig Cymru

 Phrase of the Week Spring Term 2024

  Week 1 8/1/24

   F Phase Blwyddyn Newydd Dda ( Happy New Year)

   KS2       Blwyddyn Newydd Dda ( Happy New Year)


  Week 2  15/1/24

   F Phase Pa liw wyt ti'n hoffi? ( What colour do you like?)

   KS2       Pa liw wyt ti'n hoffi? ( What colour do you like?)


  Week 3 22/1/24

   F Phase  Oes ...... gyda ti? ( Have you got a ...........)

   KS2       Oes ....... gyda ti? ( Have you got a ...........)


  Week 4 2/2/24

   F Phase  Tacluswch ( Tidy up)

   KS2        Mae hi'n amser tacluso ( It's tidy up time)


   Week 5 9/2/24

    F Phase  Ydy hi'n ............. ( Is it .........)

    KS2        Ydy hi'n ........... ( Is it ..........) 


    Week 6 

     F Phase Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus

     KS2  Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus


Diwrnod Shwmae 2023

     Phrase of the Week Autumn Term 2023

      Week 7   6/11/23

      F Phase Eto os gwelwch yn dda ( again please)

      KS2       Unwaith eto os gwelwch yn dda  ( once again please)


      Week 8   13/11/23

      F Phase   Faint ydy dy oed di? ( How old are you?)

      KS2         Pryd mae dy benblwydd di? ( When is your birthday?)


     Week 9 20/11/23

     F Phase    Oes chwaer/ brawd gyda ti? ( Do you have a brother/sister?)

     KS2          Oes brawd/chawaer gyda ti? ( Do you have a brother/sister?)


      Week 10 27/11/23

      F Phase     Ble rwyt ti'n byw? ( Where do you live?)

       KS2         Ble rwyt ti'n byw?  ( Where do you live?)


      Week 11 4/12/23

      F  Phase    Amser Nadolig ( Christmas time)

      KS2           Mae hi'n amser nadolig ( It's Christmas Time)


      Week 12    18/12/23

      F Phase     Nadolig LLawen  (Merry Christmas)

      KS2           Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda ( Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year)




Criw Cymraeg reading with younger pupils on Welsh Wednesdays

Here are some Welsh Apps and Websites you can use at home.

Autumn Term 2023 Action Plan

   Phrase of the Week Autumn Term 2023


   Week 1 18/9/23

   F Phase            Barod ? ( Ready)

   KS2                 Wyt ti'n barod?  ( Are you ready?)




   Week 2   25/9/23

   F Phase            Gwrandewch  ( Listen)

    KS2                Gwrandewch yn ofalus ( Listen carefully)



  Week 3  2/10/23

   F Phase           Ga i cinio/brechdanau os gwelwch yn dda? ( Can I have dinners/ sandwiches please?)

   KS2              Hoffwn i gael cinio/ brechdanau os gwelwch yn dda ( I would like dinners/ sandwiches please)



  Week 4 9/10/23

   F Phase         Diolch  (Thanks)

   KS2               Diolch yn fawr ( Thanks very much)



  Week 5 16/10/23

   F Phase        Ga i helpu? ( Can I help?)

   KS2              Wyt ti'n eisiau help? ( Would you like help?)


  Week 6 23/10/23

   F Phase         Pwy wyt ti?  ( Who are you?)

   KS2               Pwy ydy e/hi?  ( Who is he/she?)

Welsh Phrases weeks 1-6

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Welsh Charter SIlver Award Target 4

Governing Body Spring Update

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  Urdd Peace and Goodwill Message 2023

  Here is a Powerpoint that was shared in our school assembly this week explaining the Urdd's Anti Racist Message for

  this year. 

    Seren a Sbarc Day Competition

    Criw Cymraeg have launched this years Seren a Sbarc competition. The pupils have been asked to design a new cover 

    for a Seren a Sbarc book. There will be a prize for the Foundation Phase winner and the Key Stage 2 winner. 

    You will find the pictures of Seren a Sbarc on this page.

    You picture needs to be A4 size. 

    Closing date Monday 15th May. 


Winners of the Seren a Sbarc Competition

Community Litter Pick with all Pupil Voice Groups

   On 28th March 2023 we were invited to an official Siarter Iaith Awards Ceremony at the All Nations Centre Cardiff. The 

   ceremony had been delayed due to Covid restrictions. Two of our Criw Cymraeg were invited up on stage to recieve the 

   reward on behalf of the whole school community.

Awards Ceremony

On 26th November 2021 we achieved our Bronze Award in the Welsh Charter. Julie Bowhay and Esther Attree ( Welsh in Education Officers) were delighted with the work of Criw Cymraeg and the whole school community. The Criw are now busy planning how to take us forward for our silver award. Llongyfarchiadu pawb!

   Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc  Friday 20th May

   Seren a Sbarc are the Welsh language mascots who help us learn the language in school. We are holding 2         competitions on Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc - one for Foundation Phase and one for Key Stage 2. Foundation Phase pupils 

are asked to make a picnic basket using the resources sent home and Key Stage 2 may design a new cape for our superheroes if they wish. Winning entries will be posted on this page. 

Diolch Criw Cymraeg



Happy 100th Birthday to the Urdd

   Proud To Be Welsh Competition

  Criw Cymraeg are running a competition to design a poster celebrating wonderful things about Wales. The Powerpoint   we used in assembly is here to help you. There is a prize for the winner in each class. Good Luck. Competition closes 9th December. 

Phrase of Week -Pa Liw

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