Mrs Cogbill
Mrs Cogbill's Class 2023 - 2024
Our P.E. day is Thursday.
LLC - Mandarin
This is Miss Li our Mandarin Tutor.
Each week we have a Mandarin lesson. We are learning different vocabulary such as colours, numbers and greetings.
Sometimes we do practical activities like Chinese Calligraphy and Origami.
Year 3 Recorders
This week year three had their last recorder lesson with Miss Harwood. As a treat, she brought some of her own instruments in to play to the children.
They had lots of enjoyment listening to the well known tunes, particularly the Disney themes.
We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Harwood and RCT Music Service for giving year three the opportunity of learning to play the recorder and learning to read music.

Visit to USW Sports Centre
Recently year four visited the University of South Wales Sports Centre for a health, well-being and fitness day.
They had lots of fun participating in various sportingactivities.
Please have a look at our photos.

St. David's Day Flag Raising Ceremony
Our Year four pupils were involved in the St. David's Day flag raising ceremony at Llys Cadwyn Library, Pontypridd.
It was lovely to meet with local veterans, the mayor, council members and the High Sheriff. Some of us even got to try on her wonderful hat!
Johnny and Isabelle were choden to help raise the flag and did a fantastic job on a very blustery day!
We really enjoyed our welshcakes, squash and lovely gift bags we were given after the ceremony.
Many thanks to everyone who was involved.

Sports Skills with the USW Students
Here are some photos of year three enjoying their sports skills sessions with the students from the University of South Wales.
They play lots of fun games to develop different skills such as throwing, catching, passing, dodging, dribbling and kicking.
They are also encouraged to work as a team and support each other.

Year 4 Visit to Temple Baptist Church
Recently we visited Temple Baptist Church for activities linked to World Book Day. We found out about the life of the author C.S.Lewis and his work, the Chronicles of Narnia.

Football Fundraiser Beatball Session
We had lots of fun doing our beatball session. We were challenged by Nicky to do different ball skills. Some were harder than others.

Science Workshop - Colourful Chemicals
To start off our Science topic this term, we had a visit from the 'Mad Scientist'. He showed us lots of different experiments involving solids, liquids and gases. We were also allowed to do our own experiments in small groups.
We really enjoyed it and thought it was a great way to kick start our topic.

Diwrnod Shwmae
On Friday we celebrated Diwrnod Shwmae. Members of the Criw Cymraeg greeted parents / grandparents and pupils at the gates in the morning with a smiley 'Shwmae'.
In class we designed a new Wales Rugby Shirt and made the Welsh Dragon and the Welsh Flag using Lego.
Please have a look at our photos.

Show Racism the Red Card
To watch our videos please go to the Pupil Voice section and click on the Anti Bullying Ambassadors page.
Welsh Wednesdays
Each Wedesday when we go into class, our first activity is linked to Welsh. We look at a range of Welsh books to help us improve our reading skills. Sometimes we play fun games on the iPads to help us extend our vocabulary.
Our Visit to Rhondda Heritage Park Museum
Our immersion day was a visit to Rhondda Heritage Park Museum where we found out about how the lives of people in our community has changed.
Humanities / LLC - Looking at Evidence
In class we have been developing our thinking skills. We have been looking at historical artefacts linked to coal mining and have been trying to find out about each item. We have also been asking our own 'Where? When? What? Why? Who? How?' questions.
This is just a little reminder about Giglets. Last year the children were given their passwords to take home to access this site called Giglets, where there is an array of books for you to read to your child and/or for them to read themselves. The school has purchased this and is free for you to use. If you have lost or are having any difficulties using the site please contact your child's teacher.
Year Three Violin Certificates!
In our special assembly all of year three were presented with certificates of achievement for their violin playing.
They worked really hard and by the end of lesson six, were able to play a little tune. Bendigedig!
Thank you to RCT Music Service for providing these free sessions.
World Book Day 2023
First Aid
We had a fantastic day learning all about first aid and life saving skills with paramedics from 121 Medics.
We were able to practise doing CPR as well as putting each other into the recovery position.
We learned about what is inside a first aid box and started to make posters and leaflets about how important it is to know some first aid skills. We even allowed to have a good look inside the ambulance!
This all links with the work we are doing in class about the body and it has helped us understand more about the role of a paramedic. I wonder if anyone in our class will become a paramedic in the future?
Mrs Cogbill's Year 3/4 class 2022 - 2023
Before half term we had lots of fun learning with Lisa from Eperimental Science. Our workshop was called Fab physics and our photos and videos show some of the experiments we experienced.

Visit to South Wales Aviation Museum
This week Year 3/4 had a wonderful day at the South Wales Aviation Museum at St Athans, where we were able to climb onboard different aircraft of all shapes and sizes.
On one aeroplane we fastened our seatbelts and took part in the onboard safety instructions, as well as listening to information from the captain.
We were able to sit in and explore a wide variety of aircraft large and small. We were also allowed to use the aircraft controls and press all the buttons, which we loved.
Please have a look at our photos showing our experience throughout our busy day.