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Primary School

Awn Ymlaen Gyda'n Gilydd
Together we go forward

Mrs King

Mrs King's Class 2023 - 2024

Our P.E. day is Tuesday.

Happy Days

Gifts from Pontypridd Indoor Market

We would like to say a massive thank you to Sugar and Spice at Pontypridd Indoor Market for the lovely games they have given to us after our visit.

We thoroughly enjoyed looking around the stalls at the indoor market and meeting the stall holders.

We are also enjoying playing Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Dominoes, Jenga, draughts and chess. 

Please take a look at our photos. More to follow. 


Seren a Sbarc Day

We celebrated Seren a Sbarc day by speaking lots of Welsh in Class and reading Welsh books. We used Welsh dictionaries to help us draw and label food we would take on a picnic, before writing extended sentences using 'ond mae'n well 'da fi.



Visit to Pontypridd Indoor Market

Photos to follow.

LLC - Mandarin

This is Miss Li our Mandarin tutor.

Chinese Calligraphy

In Mandarin last week, Miss Li talked to us about Chinese Calligraphy.

We found out about the equipment needed, how to hold the brush properly and we learnt some new words in Mandarin.

We loved being able to try the Chinese Calligraphy for ourselves. 

Please take a look at our photos.

Health & Well-Being

During our first health and well-being week we took part in some team building activities. This involved challenges where team work was needed to succeed. We had lots of fun doing this on the yard when it finally stopped raining!!

Please take a look at some of our photos. 

Meeting Author Lucy Brandt

Recently we did a face to face online question and answer session with Lucy Brandt, the author of our class novel, Leonora Bolt, Secret Inventor.

We were able to ask her lots of questions about her life and her books.

We learnt lots and Lucy said she was very impressed with the types of questions we asked. She then set us an invention challenge for the Easter Holidays. 



Our Invention Challenge

Year 3 Recorders

This week year three had their last recorder lesson with Miss Harwood. As a treat, she brought some of her own instruments in to play to the children. 

They had lots of enjoyment listening to the well known tunes, particularly the Disney themes.

We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Harwood and RCT Music Service for giving year three the opportunity of learning the recorder and learning to read music. 




In one of our Mandarin lessons, our teacher talked to us about the animals in the Chinese zodiac. One of our missions was to work independently to make one of the animals from the Chinese zodiac, using origami.


We celebrated World Book Day by dressing in our pyjamas or as a character from a book.

Please take a look at our photos. 

In class we became Library Detectives, finding lots of books in different categories. We drew Book Character Selfies of our favourite story characters. We also thought of interesting questions to ask author Lucy Brandt who wrote our class novel 'Leonora Bolt Secret Inventor. 

We are hoping to have a question and answer session with Lucy Brandt on Zoom, very soon. 

Finally, we had classroom visitors who read a selection of animal poems to us and a chapter of a well loved book - the BFG.

Our Separation Investigation

We had to help solve Mr. Griffith's problem.


Our Class Novel

This term we are reading Leonora Bolt Secret Inventor, by Lucy Brandt.

In the novel the main character Leonora, lives in a lighthouse on Crabby Island. 

One of our class missions was to build a lighthouse using any available materials.

Please take a look at our lovely models.

St. David's Day Flag Raising Ceremony

On March 1st Year four were invited to the flag raising ceremony at Llys Cadwyn Library in Pontypridd.

Johnny and Isabelle did an amazing job raising the flag on such a blustery day.

We met with the veterans, the mayor, council members and the High Sheriff. Some of us even got to try on her wonderful hat!

After the ceremony we enjoyed squash, welshcakes and a lovely gift bag. 

A big thank you to everyone involved.  


Visit to USW Sports Centre 

Recently year four visited the University of South Wales Sports Centre for a day of health, well-being and fitness. 

We were able to try various sporting activities and had lots of fun. 

Here are a few phtos from the day. 

Sports skills with the USW Students

Here are some photos of year three enjoying their sports skills session with the students from the University of South Wales.

We play lots of fun games to develop different skills such as throwing, catching, passing. dodging, dribbling and kicking.

We are also encouraged to work as a team and support each other. 

Visit to Temple Baptist Church

We visited Temple Baptist Church to take part in World Book Day activities. We found out about the life of C.S. Lewis, and his work, the Chronicles of Narnia. 

Science Workshop - Colourful Chemicals

Our topic this term is 'OUR AMAZING WORLD OF SCIENCE' and to start it all off, we enjoyed a Science workshop on chemical changes. 

The 'Mad Scientist' showed us lots of different experiments involving solids, liquids and gases.

We also had chance to carry out our own experiments in small groups. 


Sponsored Penalty Shoot Out

Recently we all took part in a penalty shoot out in the top block.

We had to kick the football as hard as we could into the back of the large goal. Each of us had three turns and the speed of our goal was recorded. 

We had lots of fun and enjoyed cheering everyone on.

At the end of our session, Osian scored the fastest goal for the boys and Grace scored the fastest goal for the girls.  


Health and Well-Being

We worked in groups to discuss the people in our community who can help us. 

Next we ordered those people from those we would trust the most to those we could trust the least. We recorded this on a trust diamond. 


Finally we looked at different scenarios where we would need help, and tried to work out who would be the best adult to ask for help in each situation.


Visit from Santa

Humanities - Walk Around Our Local Area

As part of our topic on how our community has changed, we went for a walk in our local area. 

We looked at photos of Pontypridd about 100 years ago and stood in exactly the same place where they were taken.

We found some things were similar, but there were lots and lots of differences. 

How has our Community Changed?

Bearpee Challenge Children in Need

Welsh Wednesday

For Welsh Wednesday we used the mini iPads to help us develop our Welsh speaking and reading skills. Our Criw Cymraeg leaders were there to help us. We also scanned QR codes to read Welsh books.   

Humanities / DCF

We have been looking at evidence from the 1891 Census. We focused on one street in our community - Maritime Terrace.

The information was put into a database so we could use it more easily.

We added information to the database then searched for specific information. We found some similarities and some differences between how people lived in 1891 and how we live today.


Sports Skills 

At the moment we are very lucky to have University of South Wales students visiting us each week. They are making sure we have fun whilst helping us develop a range of sports skills.

Please have a look at our photos. 

Intergenerational Show and Tell at Pontypridd Museum

This week we visited Pontypridd Museum to take part in an intergenerational show and tell session. The theme was 'Celebrations', so we talked about Christmas, halloween, birthdays and sporting celebrations. We listened to the grown ups telling us all about how they celebrated when they were younger. Then they listened when we told them how we celebrate. 

We discussed the similarities and spotted some differences between how we celebrate now, and in the past. 

 Caysha from Pontypridd Museum and all the grown ups said we spoke and listened brilliantly!

Diwrnod Shwmae

On Friday we celebrated Diwrnod Shwmae. Members of our Criw Cymraeg greeted parents / grandparents and children at the gates in the morning with a jolly 'Shwmae'. 

In class we read Welsh books, tried tricky Welsh word searches and designed new football and rugby shirts for the Welsh teams. 

Show Racism the Red Card

Last Friday we had 'Show Racism the Red Card'day.

First we had a class discussion to help understand 'What is racism?'Then we read and discussed the book 'I am Enough' by Grace Byers. Finally, we made our own 'I Love Me Trees' to remind us that we are all special and unique.  

Welsh Wednesday

Each Wednesday when we go into class, our first activity is linked to Welsh.

This week we were learning a wider range of vocabulary linked to the question 'Beth sy'n bod?' (What's the matter?) We were also looking at different Welsh books to improve our reading skills. Our Criw Cymraeg members were on hand to help us.

Our Visit to Rhondda Heritage Park Museum

Humanities / LLC - Looking at Evidence

In class we have been developing our thinking skills. We have been looking at artefacts from the past, discussing them in small groups and trying to find out what they can tell us about the past. We have also been creating sensible questions using Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

LLC - Sign Language

We have recently started to learn sign language. 

So far we have learnt simple greetings, colours and animals. 

We can practise our skills in class and at home because there are help videos on ouy Google Classroom page on Hwb.

We are looking forward to developing our skills.

Health & Wellbeing - Outdoor P.E.

In our outdoor P.E. lessons we have been improving our ball skills. We have been practising a variety of different passes and then developing our catching skills in small group games.  


This is just a little reminder about Giglets. Last year the children were given their passwords to take home to access this site called Giglets, where there is an array of books for you to read to your child and/or for them to read themselves. The school has purchased this and is free for you to use. If you have lost or are having any difficulties using the site please contact your child's teacher.

Mrs King's Class 2022 - 2023

Oral Health Videos

As part of our Oral Health Project with Ponty High School, we have made videos to promote good oral health. Please take a look.

Expressive Arts

Please take a look at our lovely Artwork on the theme of 'Pollination'.

Our wildflowers and bees are inspired by The Royal Horticultural Society and The Wildlife Trust.

Visit by Beverley Humphreys

What a fantastic morning we had when famous opera singer and BBC radio presenter (and ex pupil) Beverley Humphreys came to visit us! 

Beverley spoke about her life which started in Hurford Street in Maes-y-Coed. One of our pupils, Junior, actually lives in the house where Beverley was born.

Beverley spoke about the many countries where she'd been invited to sing and answered lots and lots of questions from the pupils.

Beverley performed two songs for us and talked about how opera is a story told through songs. She also explained how music and songs can give us different feelings.

At the end of the session, Beverley was kind enough to sign autographs for the children.


Performance By Beverley Humphreys

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BBC National Orchestra of Wales 

We visited St. David's Hall in Cardiff to see the BBC National Orchestra of Wales perform the Ten Pieces. We thought it was fantastic to see all the instruments of the orchestra and hear the amazing sound they made. 

We found out that feelings can be communicated through music. We also found out that music can be used to tell a story.

Our favourite part was when the orchestra played 'The Firebird' by Igor Stravinsky and we saw an actual firebird flying over us, flapping it's wings.  

Violin Certificates for Year 3

In our special assembly, all of year three were presented with certificates of achievement for their violin playing.

Well done for working so hard. By the last lesson you were able to play a little tune. Bendigedig!

Thank you to RCT Music Service for providing these free sessions.  

Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc

Today we wore red, white or green for Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc, organised by Mrs Pocock. In class we drew our own Seren a Sbarc characters, read Welsh books and acted out short conversations in Welsh. 

Fix it Friday

For Fix it Friday this week we were writing and cracking secret codes using Morse Code. This links with our topic 'Communication is Key'.

We are all creating secret messages for pupils in Mrs Cogbill's class to crack and they have been writing secret codes for us to solve.  

Year Three Violin Lessons

Year three pupils have started having violin lessons every Tuesday with Miss Sutton from the RCT Music Service. These sessions will carry on for six weeks. 

Everyone is trying hard learning about tempo, rhythm and the different strings on the violin.  

Look at our Lovely Display! 

Well done to everyone who completed this half term hometask.

Can you guess the characters?

Outdoor P.E.

Today we made the most of the sunshine and did our fitness session outside.

After our warm up, we worked in groups to try different exercises. Some of these were shuttle runs, lunges, wall throws, tricep dips and star jumps. This session is linked to the work we are doing on keeping our minds, heart and muscles healthy.  

Symbols of Easter

A big thank you to St John's Church, Graig for lending us resources to help us find out more about the Christian symbolism of Easter. 

Strictly Folk Dancing 


In P.E. we have been doing a bit of folk dancing. The name of our dance is called 'Cylch y Cymry' which is a Welsh folk dance composed in 1958 to welcome visitors to the European Games in Wales. 

We practised the skills and built up towards doing the full dance.

Here are a few short video clips of us hard at work.


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Eisteddfod 2023

For this years Eisteddfod our class learned to recite the poem 'Ble Wyt Ti'n Byw?' and we learned the song 'Deinosaur'.

We performed on the stage, in our houses - Crwys (red), Gwyndaf (green) and Trefin (yellow). 

Leading up to the Eisteddfod we wrote stories on a magical theme.

We drew portraits of famous Welsh people and showed our best handwriting.

The handwriting and Art work was judged by staff from the top block and these were the winners:



1st - Tommy 

2nd - Leo 

3rd -  Grace 

H/C - Siena 

H/C - Matyas 



1st - Sienna 

2nd - Evie 

3rd - Matyas 

H/C - Tommy 

H/C - Megan 



World Book Day

World Book Day 2023


Visit to Pontypridd Library

Yesterday we had an enjoyable visit to Pontypridd Library. 

We took part in a crafting session, making daffodils for a lovely display in the library. This will be on display for all to see during half term. 

Then we were allowed to have a look at the children's books and read them with our friends. Finally we listened carefully to a story about Alan the bear. 

We would like to thank Hywel and Donna for welcoming us.

There are lots of free activities available for children at the library during half term. 

This week everyone in class will be bringing home more information about this.  

Problem Solving

We have been doing a bit of problem solving linked to our topic.

Our challenge was to work collaboratively in a group to put together a human skeleton. Some of the bones were quite easy to place correctly, while others proved to be a little more tricky. 

Then we had to try to label the bones correctly. For help we used a great online resource about 'Systems in the Human Body'. 


Dance / Fitness - Extreme Sport

This term some of our dance and fitness lessons have been linked to extreme sports such as kayaking, rock climbing, snowboarding, windsurfing and skydiving.

We have been creating movements individually, then working in pairs and groups to make our own dance sequences linked to extreme sports. 

Please have a look at our photos and videos. 

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First Aid Day

On Thursday we had a fantastic day learning all about first aid and life saving skills with paramedics from 121 Medics. 

We were able to practise doing CPR as well as putting each other into the recovery position. Some of us even practised on Mrs King!

We learned about what is inside a first aid box and started to make posters and leaflets about how important it is to know some first aid skills. We even allowed to have a good look inside the ambulance!

This all links with the work we are doing in class about the body and it has helped us understand more about the role of a paramedic. I wonder if anyone in our class will become a paramedic in the future?  


Chinese New Year

We made and decorated a Chinese dragon ready for our Chinese dragon dance.

Miss Lei our Mandarin tutor taught us some moves and we did our dragon dance around the hall, to music. 


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Chinese New Year

On Friday we took part in some activities linked to Chinese New Year.

We started the day by taking part in a live online lesson. It showed us how to cook some delicious food that is popular during Chinese New Year celebrations.

Later we listened to stories and songs online, as well as learning how to make origami animals. 


Visit from Santa

Just before we finished for the Christmas holidays, we had a visit from Father Christmas. He couldn't believe how quiet and well behaved we all were. Mrs King couldn't believe it either! 

Supporting Wales in the World Cup


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Children in Need 2022

For Children in Need in November we wore spotty clothes or pyjamas to raise money for this very good cause.

When the donations were counted, we raised well over £300. Well done to everyone! 

Here are some photos from the day.

Football Relief Day

Before half term we took part in a penalty shoot out in the top block. 

The speed of our shots was recorded and a gold certificate was given to the fastest boy and girl. Well done to Brody and Seren who were our winners.

Also well done to everybody who took part and took home a red certificate.

Please have a look at our photos.

Before half term we had lots of fun learning with Lisa from Experimental Science.

Our workshop was called Fab Physics and our photos and videos show some of the experiments we experienced.

Science Workshop

Visit to South Wales Aviation Museum

This week Year 3/4 had a wonderful day at the South Wales Aviation Museum at St Athans, where we were able to climb onboard different aircraft of all shapes and sizes.

On one aeroplane we fastened  our seatbelts and took part in the onboard safety instructions, as well as listening to information from the captain.

We were able to sit in and explore a wide variety of aircraft large and small. We were also allowed to use the aircraft controls and press all the buttons, which we loved.

Please have a look at our photos showing our experience throughout our busy day.

Mrs King's Class 2021 - 2022

Sun Safety Videos

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Here are the sun safety videos we made last week.
We worked together in groups and had lots of fun.
Some of the year six girls helped us record using the iPad.

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Sun Safety Videos

We have been working in groups to create a sun safety video.

We looked at videos online and discussed the important information we needed to include. 

Then we made a list of the success criteria.

We are enjoying working in teams.

Our videos will follow shortly.  

On Monday we celebrated Earth Day. We found out about different things we can do to help care for our environment and in doing so, help look after the earth.

We then created lovely colourful posters to remind everyone of this important message.

Please look at our lovely posters in the slide show below.

Celebrating Earth Day 2022

As well as creating posters for Earth Day, we started planting seeds to grow a variety of flowers, salad leaves and lettuce. 

More photos will follow shortly. 

Visit to St Catherine's Church in Pontypridd

Today we visited St Catherine's Church in Pontypridd.

When we arrived we were greeted by Trish Tazzini-Lloyd who spoke to us about why people go to church. Then she took us around inside the church and explained different features and what they are used for.

We learned lots of information which we will use in class when we create information leaflets about the church.

We would like to say a big thank you to Trish Tazzini-Lloyd and St Catherine's for welcoming us today. 


Eisteddfod Creative Competition

Here are the children in Year 3 who entered our Eisteddfod Creative Competition. They all did so well with their lovely models, paintings, drawings and collages.

The winners were Carter Davies (1st), Eleanor Ford (2nd) and Siena Palmer (3rd).

Well done to everyone for using your creative skills during the half term holiday and a big thank you to parents and grandparents who helped when needed.

Every child has had a special certificate and stars on their chart and all entries will be put on display in the hall for everyone to enjoy

Eisteddfod Creative Competition

World Book Day 2022

In Year 3 we had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day today.

It was lovely to see the children dressed as characters from their favourite books or dressed in their pyjamas ready for a bedtime story.

In class we talked to each other about who we were dressed up as and showed the books and cuddly toys we had brought in from home.

Next Mrs King read her favourite story, 'The Day the Crayons Quit'which made us laugh. 

Later we started to make some bright and colourful leaflets about World Book Day.  

Here are some photos from our day. 


World Book Day

More World Book Day Photos

Autumn Term 2021

Visit to Llancaiach Fawr


Back in the Autumn term we visited Llancaiach Fawr to find out more about how the Tudor people lived in the past. We had an enjoyable time visiting all the different rooms in the manor house. We found out about the Pritchard family who lived there and also learned about the jobs of the servants who worked for them. Here are some photos from our visit.