Miss Dodson
Cardiff Museum Visit. 100 years of the BBC in Wales Exhibition. June 2023.
Soccer Aid - June 2023
Outdoor Club. Week 1. We made a Bug House, planted seeds and bedding plants, did a litter pick and watered everything. Such a busy first week!
Eisteddfod Art - in the style of Welsh Artist, Nathan Wyburn.
World Book Day 2023
St David's Day 2023
Just a little reminder about Giglets. Before October half term the children were given their passwords to take home to access a site called Giglets. On this site will be an array of books for you to read to your child and/or for them to read themselves. The school have purchased this and is free for you to use. If you have lost or are having any difficulties using the site please contact your child's teacher.
To kick start our Spring Term topic 'Survival of the Fittest' we were lucky enough to spend the day with 121 paramedics. We learned lots of valuable information about basic First Aid, what to do in emergencies and CPR.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the experiences that day. They demonstrated excellent listening skills and followed all instructions incredibly well.
First Aid Day - January 2023.
Year 2 had a fabulous time at Temple Baptist Church decorating gingerbread men, making Christmas cards and acting out the Christmas story. Many thanks to the members for such a warm welcome.
Collaborative Task - Flags.
As part of our topic 'Where in the World.....?' We have really enjoyed exploring flags from many different countries around the world. As a class we gave ourselves a challenge to recreate flags using different resources.
Here's how we got on......
Football Beats Session. Thursday 6th October 2022.
South Wales Aviation Museum Visit September 2022 - Part Two
South Wales Aviation Museum Visit September 2022 - Part One
ENCANTO Cinema Trip - 10th May 2022
Health & Well-Being Day 2022
What a FAB day we all had!
We took part in a yoga session and a quick circuit training session too. We talked about the importance of exercise and how it can make you feel good.
For some part of the day we made sure there was some quiet time in our classroom. We discussed mindfulness and got involved with some calming activities..... Playdoh names, mindfulness colouring/drawing, chatting to friends.
Health & Well-Being Day - Friday 6th May 2022
Circuits in the Sunshine!
As part of our Health and well-being fortnight we all enjoyed some circuit training in P.E last week. We had 5 exercise stations that included BURPEES, JOGGING, PRESS UPS, PLANK, HIGH KNEES.
Following a warm-up, we spent 1 minute at each station completing the exercises in our teams. We managed 3 visits to each station... with lots of rest and refreshment breaks along the way. Everyone loved it!
The exercise and sunshine gave us all a BOOST!
Circuits - April 2022
STEM Challenge March 2022
Our challenge was to design and make a new roof for the school.
We used Lego to create the building and investigated a range of materials, before we selected one that we thought would be waterproof and wind proof. Our main focus was to work as a team - ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to voice their opinion and everyone had a role within the group.
Each group had success with their new roof but we did all consider changes and improvements for next time.
We are still working hard to improve our team work skills. It isn't always easy to be a team, but we are all making a special effort in our class activities to develop into great team players.
Mrs Reynolds's motto is - TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK!
STEM Challenge March 2022
St David's Day 2022
We all thoroughly enjoyed our Welsh breakfast in school. We sat around the tables singing Welsh songs whilst enjoying some delicious Welsh cakes, pancakes and fruit.
We had a busy day spent creating and colouring the Welsh flag to display in our new Welsh Den. We performed our folk dance that we have been learning in P.E. We loved watching other classes performances via video on our whiteboard. In our groups we spent time on the laptops using Google Earth to look at famous Welsh landmarks. Our challenge for the day was to use a variety of construction toys to make daffodils and dragons. It's safe to say we all had a great day!