Anti Bullying Ambassadors
Anti Bullying Policy Written By Anti Bullying Ambassadors October 24
Anti Bullying Week 2023
A great big thank you to all the pupils who decorated a hand for Anti Bullying Week and wore odd socks to
school. Our wreaths are displayed all around the school celebrating good friendships.
Show Racism The Red Card
Anti Bullying Ambassadors have made some posters to be displayed around the school reinforcing the message for
2023 Change hearts, Change minds, Change lives.
Below are also some activities pupils undertook on the day.
September 2023 Anti Bullying Ambassadors completing their consent and boundaries training
In July 2021 we began our journey on the Princess Diana Anti Bullying Ambassadors Programme.
Supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, The Diana Award Bullying Campaign engages you people, carers parents and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations both online and offline.
There are 4 badges we can earn as a reward for all our hard work. They are Respect, Online Safety, Well - Being and Community Action. We are currently working towards our well-being badge.
Well Being Badge
Here are the projects we have been working upon as part of our Well Being Badge.
Wear Yellow For World Mental Health Day
We are proud of the Whole School Community today coming together to wear yellow to support children's and young people's mental health on World Mental Health Day. Have a look at some of the activities organised by the Anti Bullying Ambassadors. Please find attached some activities you may like to do at home.
Compliments Day
In today’s fast paced world, taking the time to compliment those around us is important. At Maes Y Coed Compliments Day helps us to teach our children the way to be sincere in their thanks. It also helps them to appreciate those around them and to not take the people in their lives for granted. On Compliments Day all pupils and staff complimented each other anonymously with a message on a post it notes. Our Ambassadors ensured everyone in our school community received a compliment on the day. Above you will see a heart of compliments made by one of our Key Stage 2 classes.
Congratulations to the Ambassadors and the Whole School Community on achieving the Health and Well Being Badge.
A great team effort. Please read below our feedback from the Princess Diana Award.
You have acheived your award because you have shown .......
- Your creativity by running a school-wide Compliments Day and encouraging students and staff to share positive messages with each other
- Your successful efforts raising awareness for mental health awareness for World Mental Health Day 2022
- Your dedication to strengthening peer support and spreading kindness by founding the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Lunchtime Club
- Your commitment to building students’ confidence in being an upstander by engaging with training from your local PCSO
- Your commitment to ensuring students are able to share their worries and access support, by creating ‘I Wish My Teacher Knew’ jars
Anti Bullying Ambassadors have completed their Anti Social Behaviour Training with PCSO Warren. Look out for their posters around school. December 2022
As part of our ongoing work to become an Anti Bullying Ambassadors school we had a whole school assembly last week reminding us what bullying behaviour is. Here is the video we watched and the Powerpoint we discussed for you to share at home with your child if you wish.